So here in my first attempt at an author-to-author interview, Red has been willing to be subjected to my evil mind and strange mind, and to celebrate the moment our theme will be wizards.
Red, thank you for taking the time to talk with me today
and doing this interview.
Let start easy… ASL?
Are you saying you want to do the interview in American Sign
Language? No problem.
Did you get that?
Ok that was a pick up line, sorry, it’s the Internet
after all. Lets start a little more
professional; how long have you wanted to be an Author before went out took the
typewriter by the horns?
I wrote all my life, except for when I didn't. ;) I
wrote horoscopes for the camp newspaper.
I wrote my own newspaper, complete with comics, for my fourth grade
class. I published my first poem that
year. I was the journalism queen. And then, because I was one of those kids
brow-beaten into studying something “practical,” I didn't write for a very long
time, because I was too busy preparing taxes and performing in-depth financial
audits. Fun, huh?
About nine years ago due to what was going on in my life,
personally, I started blogging anonymously.
Crazy people were driving me to extremes of stress, anger, and
frustration. At the same time, I had all
these personal joys in my life, from becoming a mother. There was just so much going on “upstairs”
that it had to erupt onto the page, because I could no longer contain it all.
From that point, it was a matter of time before I started
making blogging friends online. Several
of them did NaNoWriMo, and I had several false starts before I successfully
pulled that off. At the same time, I
launched a freelance career. I wasn't
sure which one would “stick.” Writing
fiction has become so fulfilling to me that even though I eventually quit
accounting to be a full-time journalist, I doubt I will ever go back to
What is the largest manuscript you have ever written?
My dark fantasy debut novel This Brilliant Darkness was
originally in the neighbhood of 150,000 words.
When I got serious about making it the best book it could be, I
ruthlessly edited it. It's now just under
50k. A lot of times writers are shocked
when I say I cut a hundred grand of verbiage from that book. I argue that you won't miss it. The book moves quickly, and it's a wild ride
now, instead of a slow meander. I'm very
proud of what I did with This Brilliant Darkness, even if I overwrote and
overwrote in the first place. It taught
me a lot about honing my vision. That
Crackling Silence, the sequel, is coming along a lot tighter.
What is your current work? Tell us a little about it?
(Elevator pitch) and when we will get our grubby little hands on it?

Right now both those titles are available on Amazon and
Smashwords. The first Wizard Tale is
available everywhere, and the newest Wizard should be on Nook and iTunes, Sony,
and the like in a matter of days or weeks.
And, the night you sent me these interview questions, I
emailed my editor a YA fantasy about a girl who discovers she's a fairy, only
to find she must choose between an allegiance to her troll friend or playing
roller derby with the girl she loves.
It's called Troll Or Derby, and I'm super proud of it because I set out
to write something that's pure fun, and I feel like I've achieved that. I hope it will be available before the end of
June 2012, but we'll see.
Ha! Richard Simmons, or should we say Milton Simmons?
Your nod to the fitness icon in “The Wizard Takes a Fitness Class” makes me
It’s getting to that point where I too think I need to
take a fitness class myself.
What was the motivation for the story, that moment where
you said “AH-HA! That is a story that
must be told.”
Oh, gosh. Well, I met
this very cool artist named Nicholas Caesar during the Coffin Hop blog tour
last fall. Nik has done all kinds of
amazing work—I mean, his resume is very impressive, including working on the
movie Scream 4. We just connected, and
he said he would like to work together sometime. In the meantime, he allowed me to use one of
his paintings as the cover for the first Wizard story.
At some point, during one of those Facebook thread conversations
that you know will come back to haunt you, I was joking with him and some of
his buddies that the next wizard story was going to include Richard
Simmons. I wish I could remember the
convo word-for-word, but it was one of those little jokes you make that doesn't
translate later!
Well, a couple of months ago, a friend of mine demanded that
I write a full-length wizard novel.
Mind you, the first Wizard story is only 1500 words long, and I'm
presently in the middle of writing about a half-dozen full-length novels. I just kind of laughed, but once I got to a
certain point in editing Troll Or Derby, I realized I was stuck. I had hit that point in editing when it all
sounds like “Mush mush blah, and then she turned to him and said blah blah
mush, mush blah.” Rather than remain in
that zone, I wrote something new.
I sat down and let the Wizard do the talking. It worked for me last time, and it worked out
this time, as well. Took quite a bit
longer to edit, I won't kid you! But
this time, I had great writer/editor friends interested in having a peak and
the draft product, so it was just a joy to complete.
Surprised me more than anyone else that the latest Wizard
ended up being about regret, pride, and personal demons. In the past six months, I lost two people who
meant a lot to me, and the requisite family implosion that followed played a
hand in that, as well, I'm sure.
I really thought I'd just poke a little fun at the
wonderfully effervescent, good-natured Simmons, and move on. But the Wizard had more to say than that.
Your top 5 Wizard books(or series)? I want to see how
close your list is to mine.
So tough. Wow. I don't know if these rankings are exact,
because on any given day...I mean, I was just watching the 70s cartoon version
of LOTR this morning!
- Harry
Potter – “You're a Wizard, Harry!”
Absolutely crammed full of likeable & despicable wizards, each
with the potential of greatness within them. Very meaningful on many levels, and
never loses its sense of fun. My
favorite book series of all time.
- Lord
of the Rings – I went through such a LOTR geek phase. I really can't say more than that. It's so embarrassing. It's like showing someone my naked baby
pictures. But I do adore
Gandalf. I think that on the
inside, I'm still dealing with the fact that I thought I'd grow up to be
an elf, and I'm really just a hobbit.
- The
Amulent of Sarakand, and the rest of the Bartimaeus series. These had a huge influence on both my Wizard Tales, and
my upcoming book, Troll Or Derby.
Although I went back and edited out the 85 footnotes throughout
Troll Or Derby that were an homage to Stroud's Bartimaeus asides, I still
feel like he's the spiritual godfather to the work I've done since I read
his addictive series. When he
twittered me last fall I actually turned to my husband Tim and said “I can
die happy now.” I know Stroud has
no idea who I am, but that just made my life.
- The
Apprentice Adept series by Piers Anthony was huge to me as a kid. Who can resist a little guy crossing
over from a techno-futuristic planet to sword fight with a unicorn? Matter of fact, I just realized while
looking at the cover of Split Infinity, that Neysa was a black
unicorn. And...I unwittingly put a
black unicorn in the climax of Troll Or Derby. Wow.
Funny how the seeds from one world find root in another like
that. (Mr. Anthony was kind enough
to answer of mine a few weeks ago, as well. I love the internet, don't you?)
- Mists
of Avalon – really more about Morgan Le Fay than about Merlin, but an
amazing book about Camelot and Arthurian wizardry, nonetheless. If you haven't read it, a delightful
paradigm shift awaits!
There are so many wizard books I still want to read. I need more TIME to read. I feel like it will take me forever get
through my “to be read” list.
Your heading out
to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I’m super stoked! I expect pictures! So
I’m going to twist the interview to get your mind working on your trip…sqeee!
Albus Percival
Wulfric Brian Dumbledore VS Gandalf the Grey
Who wins? Keep in
mind, death couldn’t really kill these men.
Oh, man. What a question. Well, Dumbledore was mortal, indeed, which I
think was one of his more endearing qualities!
Discovering that Gandalf was actually maia, not human, was really cool,
but it only served to push him away from us, as readers, in my opinion. He's dead, no, he's alive, and he's not one
of us anymore, he's this horse-riding guy who didn't understand his own nature. I wish JRRT had given us more to connect with
in the reborn Gandalf.
But, I've dodged
your question.
I think Santa Claus
would whup both their asses, honestly.
If you could take
any one character from the Harry Potter Series and put them into your own book, who would you take and why?
Well, if
I'm totally honest, I guess I leaned heavily on Dumbledore for the first Wizard
story. His fondness for children, the
way he dealt with the troll so benignly—pure Albus. But when people started asking me who he was,
I didn't know how to answer. It wasn't really
Albus. Who was this guy? It's been fun finding out, and I look forward
to the next story, when we find out even more.
suppose if I were going to put any of Rowling's characters into one of my books
for real, it would probably be Fred Weasley.
I just don't want to live in a world without the gregarious Weasley
twins. I really feel like we need to
save Fred. He represented the joy of
living, you know? He insisted on having
fun, on pushing limits, and just following his heart. I still tear up over that one.
definitely Fred.
follow up to that of course, if there was anyone one character you have created
and you could place them lovingly into J. K. Rowling's world of wizard awesomeness
who would it be? Can you give a little background on the character for our
readers who may not have read your books and why they were lucky enough to get
when I wrote This Brilliant Darkness, I wanted to create a world that was as
escapist as the Wizarding world is, but I wanted it to be for adults. I wanted an adult protagonist. So I created a very escapist version of my
favorite Indiana town, and put all my characters there.
Of all
my characters, I think perhaps Richard Welletter from This Brilliant Darkness
could use with a little legitimate wizarding.
He is the opposite of the Wizard trope as “wise, old man” and he needs a
good dosing of courage to face life. I feel
like a trip to Hogwarts would do that for him.
And he's a famous scientist, so he could definitely teach young wizards and witches a thing or two.
started to answer this question “Roller Deb,” but I already gave her the fairy
realm to discover, so really, that's just as good an alternative to Hogwarts as
there ever was.
Second follow up; what house would they be in?
I think
Richard would just be a visiting teacher, but if he had to choose a house? Ravenclaw.
are a lot of people that have written fan-fiction, and with that a lot of them
have written Harry Potter novels. It’s a touchy subject and I’ve heard both
sides of it. What is your take on fan-fiction and should there be a place for
I think
it's cute. I don't think it's very
professional. I got as close to it with
my first Wizard story as I feel comfortable doing. I don't have a legitimate desire to write
characters from some other artist's mind, at all. As much as I know I will enjoy seeing
Hogwarts in person (w00t!), I really need for my own work to be original and
uniquely mine.
have been many licensed book series, for generations, that have tied into
well-known story universes. Star Wars
books. Star Trek books. I recall JK Rowling saying in an interview
that if someone wanted to write about American wizards, then someone should (it
wasn't going to be her). There's
obviously a place for this work, as it sells quite well (or in the case of fan
fiction, is read frequently), but that is not where my heart is, as a writer. Not at this juncture.
say never, though. I have more than one
writer friend who writes licensed fiction, and I've known many writers who cut
their teeth writing fan fiction. It's
just not for me.
you think that Harry Potter really opened the door for the works of YA (Young
Adult) that we are seeing now? Do you think it would be as awesome if we didn’t
have Harry Potter? I’ve watched a lot of authors that were writing in other
genres come to YA and become even more successful than they were before. Kelley
Armstrong comes to mind.
I really
am not familiar with Ms. Armstrong, so I can't speak to her success since she
started writing YA. I do see she's
working on something with one of my favorites, though: Melissa Marr.
the YA that is so hot right now really seems to have less to do with Harry Potter
than it does Twilight, but even Twilight was on the scene later than Melissa
Marr's books, or Holly Black's YA series Tithe.
books that are probably most like Harry Potter, in my opinion, are the Percy
Jackson books, the Bartimaeus books, Artemis Fowl...and have you heard of
these? Maybe. They're best-sellers. But they're not teen romances. They're books about young boys having
adventures in magical world. The Golden
Compass, as dire a book as that was, on an emotional level, had more in common
with Harry Potter than anything that's hot-selling in the YA charts right now.
really...I'm not sure there is a correlation at all. I think the Potter series barely touches on
romance, with its heavy-handed themes of right and wrong, whereas these teen
books are all about longing, sometime barely touching on morality!
right now working on a YA manuscript, have you thought about writing the field?
Troll Or
Derby is a YA fantasy.
you in the “pottermore” beta? What do you think of the idea and what it can do
for a story?
is lovely. I can't wait until they open
the Chamber of Secrets so I'll have something new to try. I ripped through the first book online in no
time. I don't think it does anything to
enhance the story, but it does reward the fans who want to know more about that
world. For instance, all about Minerva
McGonagle's marriage. It's all
there. Good stuff for the ridiculously
avid fan like myself.
A few
last silly questions:
the sorting hat was placed on your head, what would it see and what house would
you be placed in because of it?
I am a
Ravenclaw. Bigtime. I don't think the hat would make it onto my
head. It would shout it at me from
across the room.
would your wand be made of?
According to Pottermore it's made of Elm and Phoenix
Favorite wizard subject and professor?
Making Magical Sweets ala Honeyduke's by Professor I.M.
Phat! ;)
Either that, or Charms.
Thanks for doing this, Rob! Such fun!
Thank you, and have a safe trip Red!
(Amazon Wizard Takes a Fitness Class - $.99)
(Amazon Wizard Takes a Holiday – free)
Non-Amazon links are all here:
Red Tash can be followed at:
Thanks so much for hosting me, Rob! It was an honor, and a true delight!
ReplyDeletePS, No've got to share your top 5 Wizard books now!
ReplyDeleteGood point, alright Red! I'll roll that up tonight!